The PAYE calculator requires that you enable macros for functionality. Instructions are provided in the file for the procedure required to enable macros.
The 'Employee tax calculator' reflects the changes announced by the 2024 Budget announced on October 1st 2024. This file will work in Excel 2010 and greater. All of the other files will work in Excel 2003 and greater.
I welcome your feedback, especially suggestions for making the PAYE calculator better or easier to use! E-mail me or sign the guestbook

Current release number: 2014-25.02

Change log:


The following improvements were introduced in version 2014-25.02:
• Added the capability to correctly process employer contributions to an employee's PRSA (capped at 100% of emoluments).
• Various bugs/ errors fixed and code improvements made.


The following improvements were introduced in version 2014-25.01:
• Redesigned the main data entry sheet by adding a taskbar in place of icons.
• Added handling of investment of a bonus in an Approved Profit Sharing Scheme.
• Various interface improvements and tweaks.
• Added additional help resources.
• Various bugs/ errors fixed and code improvements made.


The following improvements were introduced in version 2014-24.01:
• The need to purchase a license to enable all features is now removed- all users by default can use the full-featured version of the calculator!
• Fixed a formula bug which impacted on PRSI calculations.
• Added up-to-date data from the 'whereyourmoneygoes' website which is used for the tax statistics feature.
• Fixed a bug with 'Scenario manager'.
• Readied the calculator for pension auto-enrolment (scheduled to be implemented by Government in second half of 2024)
• Various interface improvements and tweaks.
• Added additional help resources.
• Various bugs/ errors fixed and code improvements made.


The following improvements were introduced in version 2014-23.01:
• Added a scenario modeller to allow creation of a 'what if' report for separate income & deductions scenarios.
• Created a 'utilities hub' to gather together the various pay tools (net to gross, modified working week, changes to tax credits and Special Assignee Relief Programme). This provides easier access to these tools.
• Changed how the calculator handles entry of pension data so that the user is only asked for his/her age category where the pension value exceeds the lowest percentage of income permitted.
• Readied the calculator for the possible introduction of a 'middle rate cut-off point'.
• Added dropdown list to Payslip to allow the user to rapidly jump to any pay period.
• Improved the layout of the panel for people aged 65+ and retirees.
• Added a link to the menu to allow a user of the free calculator to sign the guestbook.
• Various interface improvements and tweaks to reduce screen clutter.
• Added additional help resources.
• Various bugs/ errors fixed and code improvements made.


The following improvements were introduced in version 2014-22.01:
• Added a form to allow hourly paid employees to calculate their annualised pay using data for an average week.
• Enhanced the 'mid-year changes to tax credits and standard rate band' utility to allow a user to select the tax calculation basis which applies in a pay period and also to allow 'PAYE exemption' to apply.
• Added an option to enter a deduction for Local Property Tax per payslip.
• Added an option to the 'auto-updates alerts' panel to allow the user choose that this shape is not to be shown on start up.
• Added an option to the settings panel to allow animations to be switched off.
• Added the capability to print the annual summary of pay and deductions.
• Improved the layout of the panel for people aged 65+ and retirees.
• Enhanced the license entry process.
• Various bugs/ errors fixed and code improvements made.


The following improvements were introduced in version 2014-21.03:
• Updated the percentages used by the 'My statistics' tool to calculate how taxes are spent from the website.
• Added a feature which allows the user to add shortcuts to an easily accessible 'My shortcuts' hub.
• Added a check which runs when the calculator is opened if 'auto-updates alerts' is set to 'Off' (the default setting) and which allows the user to toggle this setting to 'On'.


The following improvements were introduced in version 2014-21.02:
• Added the revised USC and PRSI thresholds in respect of minimum wage employees
• Corrected error impacting the calculation of prior year USC


The following features and improvements were introduced in version 2014-21.01:
• Enhanced the following premium calculator features: net-to-gross calculation; setting tax status [cumulative, W1/M1 or emergency bases]; manually editing income and deduction values; deductions pie-chart; editing tax credits or cut-off points during a year.
• Added option to allow premium users to reduce workbook size by deleting images and shapes used only by the free-version.
• [USER REQUESTED] Added capability to allow a user to modify standard tax credits or cut-off point (e.g. for items such as flat rate expenses or tax repayment plans).
• Added new resource to cater for e-bike and pedal bike thresholds introduced with effect from 1 August 2020 (cycle-to-work deductions).
• Enhanced the 'prior year settings' panel to include option to exclude salary sacrifice items from prior year calculations.
• Added a 'beta tool' feature which allows users to see how the introduction of 'pension auto-enrolment' will impact their net pay.
• Added new (and improved existing) help resources and web links.
• Fixed various bugs, implemented code performance improvements and added higher quality images and icons.


The following features and improvements were introduced in version 2014-20.06:
• Added data to cater for employer PRSI impact of agreed increase in the hourly rate of the Minimum Wage.
• Fixed a bug impacting manual edits of PRSI class (Premium users only).
• Added new and improved help resources.
• Fixed various formula bugs.
• UPDATE: Added data for revised USC thresholds (effective from 1 February 2020) as announced 10th January 2020.


The following features and improvements were introduced in version 2014-20.05:
• Improved the visibility of showing the 'bonus as net amount' feature
• Updated the help files relating to the above feature
• Added an 'Auto-move' property to the 'All settings' panel so that it would move if content was obscured.


The following features and improvements were introduced in version 2014-20.04:
• Improved visibility of how available updates are alerted to the user by popup notification when the calculator is opened.
• Enhanced Help panel content by enabling the addition of an 'Additional information' pane to the base of the main help panel if required. This additional panel can contain links to external websites or run macros as needed to supplement the main help text.


• User can more easily view a mini deductions pie chart from the annual summary section of the 'Start here' sheet.
• Allow the user to manually change his/her PRSI class. This may be useful for certain public sector roles if the calculator determined PRSI class is incorrect.
• Corrected an error which impacted the PRSI percentage value displayed on the deductions chart.

• Implemented a tax saving tip highlighting how a user might increase his/her take home pay by taking a paycut but save a greater amount on PRSI deductions.
• Improvements to the 'Quick tour' feature (ensures that certain images are hidden on start of tour).
• Improvements to the opening routines procedures.
• Enhanced prominence of how the 'fast accrual' setting is displayed (only relevant to pension levy/ ASC calculations for certain public sector staff).
• Corrected an error on the panel showing tax/ levies deducted from annual bonus.


• Fixed a bug affecting data validation of 'Net to gross' section.
• Minor interface improvements


All users:

• Interface changes- more subdued colours, larger font size, some icons are larger.
• 'Quick guide' displayed on first time the workbook is opened.
• Amendments to Public Sector pension deductions to allow for non-standard working weeks for staff recruited post 6 April 1995.
• Fixed a bug affecting spouse calculations where spouse was employed in public sector.
• Updated percentage spending by government department for 2019.
• Employer contributions to three common types of pension fund ('Occupational', 'PRSA' or 'RAC') can now be included with relevant tax treatment (if any) as a benefit-in-kind properly handled.
• PRSI exemption (applies mainly to staff posted to Ireland on relatively short term contracts) provided for.

Premium version only:

• Menu on all worksheets now allow for navigation to a payslip.
• Users can now set the length of their non-standard working week durations to include half day options e.g. "Show me the net pay impact if I work a 3-and-a-half day week for 1 or more pay periods."
• Users can also generate a single report showing the annual and per period pay impact of a non-standard working week for ALL working week durations between 1 day to 6 days a week in half-day increments.
• Improved error handling for deductions chart.
• Added additional resources to the FAQ menu on the 'Net pay calculations' worksheet.


This version adds additional help resources and alerts (e.g. help for 'How can I reduce top rate tax?') as well as various bug fixes, user interface and performance improvements.


• This version corrects an error in the calculation of gross bonuses required for a 'bonus-as-net' target and also for the Additional Superannuation Contribution for certain public servants.
• It also enhances the 'Quick tax settings' panel by including an estimated tax credits entitlements link (to show the user the expected tax credits s/he is entitled to based on user specified settings).
• Other miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.


• This version corrects an error in the calculation of pension deductions for public servants.


• This version includes the adjustments to the pension deductions for certain public servant staff arising from the increase in the weekly state pension effective from 25th March 2019.
• Some minor improvements to sheet navigation on the 'Detailed calculations' sheet (premium version)
• Additional Help resources
• Various bug fixes and code enhancements.


• Improved handling of non-standard bases of calculation (premium version only)
• Additional tax saving tip for dual income couples regarding availability of Home carer tax credit in specified circumstances.
• Additional Help resources
• Various bug fixes and code enhancements.


• Included ability to treat a bonus as a 'net of tax' value (premium version only).
• Fixed a data connection error which caused data lists to not download.
• Fixed an error for company directors which impacted their PRSI classification.


• Included 'Community employment' option in employment sector.
• Fixed an error in how premium version activation codes are evaluated.
• Minor interface improvements to the 'All settings' menu.
• Various bug fixes and code enhancements.


• This version introduces various interface and performance improvements and bug fixes.


This version introduces the following features:
• Simple to use 'tax settings' panel
• Statistical data showing how taxes are spent, user's 'tax free day' and user's average tax rates
• Improved fine-tuning of pension and PHI deductions if the deduction is specified as a percentage of pay
• General bug fixes, help resources and interface enhancements


This version introduces the following features:
• 'Benefits-in-kind' calculator (premium version only)
• 'Simple version' of the calculator
• Various interface enhancements, performance improvements and bug fixes


This version updates the Old Age Pension value (which changed March 26th and is used when calculating certain Public Sector pension deductions).


This version corrects an error which impacted on the manual edit of post tax deductions values.


This version includes the 'minimum PRSI liability' which applies to Class S company directors earning between €5000 and €12500 in 2018. Thanks to PN for notifying me of same.


New features
• Introduced ability to display number of PRSI contribution weeks per pay period.
• Implemented an income disregard for USC purposes (for legally enforceable maintenance payments).
• Implemented handling of PRSI class changeover if an employee turns 66 (class J PRSI from pensionable age if still an employee).

Improved features
• PHI, Pension and cycle-to-work limits better handled.
• Additional help panel resources.
• Improvements to functions used to determine appropriate PRSI class.
• Changes to the workbook closing process.

Error corrections
• Corrected an error for comparative tax credits of company directors.
• Corrected conditional formatting errors affecting identification of manually edited values.


This update corrects the USC rates applying if a full medical card is held.


This update handles the tax years 2014 to 2018 inclusive.


This corrects an error in the calculation of tax credits for a spouse whose employment status is set to 'Private sector- Company Director'.


This corrects an error in the public sector pension related deduction thresholds for 2017 and in the named range used to calculate a spouse's bonus value.


This is a rewrite of the old calculator and handles tax years 2014 to 2017 inclusive.